Romans: When Not If, and the Space in Between

Aug 4, 2024    Justin Hart

This sermon explores the Christian concept of sanctification, the ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus. Pastor Justin emphasizes that believers should not be discouraged by their ongoing struggle with sin, as victory is found not in our own strength, but in God's power. Drawing from Romans 7 and 8, he highlights the tension Christians experience: desiring to do good while still battling sin. This tension, however, should not lead to despair, because Jesus offers freedom from sin's condemnation. Pastor Justin assures listeners that sanctification is a God-initiated process in which He provides "road signs" prompting believers to respond to His leading through prayer, relationships, and engagement with Scripture. Ultimately, this sermon reminds Christians that God fights for us, patiently guiding us toward holiness as we actively participate in His transforming work.