Paul's Desire

Aug 25, 2024    Leke Aina

This sermon excerpt explores Romans chapters 10-11, focusing on the roles of Israel and the Gentiles in God's plan for salvation. Leke emphasizes that righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ, not through works or moral excellence alone. Although the Jews were initially chosen by God to receive his blessings, they stumbled by relying on their own efforts rather than accepting God's grace through faith. Consequently, the Gentiles, who had not actively sought God, received the gift of salvation through their belief in Jesus. However, the author stresses that God has not rejected Israel but is using the Gentiles' inclusion to provoke the Jews to jealousy, ultimately desiring their salvation as well. The passage concludes with a warning for both Jews and Gentiles, reminding them that salvation is maintained not through self-righteousness, but through continued reliance on God's grace.