Holy Spirit

Reading Plan

Week 1: Discovering the Holy Spirit: God's Presence in Us
Discovering the Holy Spirit: God’s Presence in Us 

Focus: Understanding the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity and His role in our lives.
Day 1: John 14:15-27 – Jesus promises the Holy Spirit

  • Personal: How does knowing that the Holy Spirit is always with you help you face challenges in life?
  • Missional: How can you remind a friend that the Holy Spirit is present to help them as well?

Day 2: John 16:5-15 – The role of the Holy Spirit as our guide

  • Personal: When has the Holy Spirit helped you make a decision?
  • Missional: How can you encourage someone to trust the Holy Spirit to guide them through life decisions?

Day 3: Genesis 1:1-2; Psalm 104:30 – The Spirit’s work in creation

  • Personal: What does the Holy Spirit’s involvement in creation reveal about His power and presence in your life?
  • Missional: How can you encourage those around you to see the beauty and work of the Holy Spirit in the world around them?

Day 4: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 – The Spirit’s role in revealing God’s wisdom

  • Personal: What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you that has deepened your relationship with God?
  • Missional: Who could you share a fresh insight from the Holy Spirit with this week?

Day 5: Romans 8:9-17; Acts 2:38 – The Holy Spirit in the life of a believer

  • Personal: How does being led by the Holy Spirit help you see yourself as God’s child?
  • Missional: How can you help others in your circle understand their identity as children of God through the Holy Spirit?
Week 2: Holy Spirit Baptism: Immersed in Power
Holy Spirit Baptism: Immersed in Power

Focus: Understanding the significance of the Holy Spirit’s baptism and how it empowers us for mission.

Day 1: Acts 1:4-8 – The promise of the Holy Spirit's baptism

  • Personal: Do you believe the Holy Spirit has empowered you for the mission Jesus has called you to? Why or why not?
  • Missional: How can you encourage a friend to wait for God’s timing in their life?

Day 2: Acts 2:1-13 – The Day of Pentecost

  • Personal: How do you see the Holy Spirit actively working in your life as He did on the Day of Pentecost?
  • Missional: What step can you take to share your faith more boldly with someone?

Day 3: Acts 10:44-48 – The Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles

  • Personal: How does knowing the Holy Spirit is for everyone change how you see others?
  • Missional: Who in your close circle might you consider "unlikely" for the gospel, and how can you intentionally share with them?

Day 4: Luke 3:21-22; Matthew 3:11 – Jesus baptized in the Holy Spirit

  • Personal: How can Jesus’ baptism inspire your own relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • Missional: Who can you encourage to follow Jesus’ example and seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit in their own lives?

Day 5: 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 – Baptized into one body by the Spirit

  • Personal: How does being part of the body of Christ, baptized by the Spirit, shape your role in the church?
  • Missional: How can you help build unity in your church or life group, knowing we are all baptized into one Spirit?
Week 3: The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit – What Are Tongues?
The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit – What Are Tongues?

Focus: Understanding the biblical foundation and purpose of speaking in tongues.

Day 1: Acts 2:1-4 – The first instance of speaking in tongues at Pentecost

  • Personal: How does this event expand your view of the Holy Spirit’s power?
  • Missional: How can you share the message of Jesus with someone in a way that reaches their heart?

Day 2: 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 – The purpose of speaking in tongues for personal edification

  • Personal: Have you ever felt like the Holy Spirit was helping you pray or worship in a special way?
  • Missional: How can you encourage someone to seek God’s presence through prayer and worship?

Day 3: 1 Corinthians 14:6-12 – Speaking in tongues and its role in the church

  • Personal: How can you use your spiritual gifts to build others up?
  • Missional: How can you help create an environment in your church or small group that welcomes the Holy Spirit’s work?

Day 4: Romans 8:26-27 – The Spirit intercedes for us in prayer

  • Personal: When have you needed the Holy Spirit to help you pray?
  • Missional: How can you help someone else find comfort in knowing the Holy Spirit prays for them?

Day 5: 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 – Desiring the gifts of the Spirit, including tongues

  • Personal: Are you open to receiving and using the gifts of the Spirit?
  • Missional: How can you inspire others in your circle to desire and use the gifts of the Spirit in their lives?
Week 4: Spirit-Gifted for the Mission: Gifts of the Spirit
Spirit-Gifted for the Mission: Gifts of the Spirit

Focus: Discovering and using spiritual gifts for God's purpose.
Day 1: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 – The different gifts of the Spirit

  • Personal: Which gifts of the Spirit have you seen in your life, and how are you using them?
  • Missional: How can you help a friend recognize and develop their spiritual gifts?

Day 2: Romans 12:3-8 – Using your gifts to serve others

  • Personal: How can you use your gifts to serve others this week?
  • Missional: Who could you invite to serve with you in the church or community?

Day 3: Ephesians 4:7-13 – Gifts given to equip the church

  • Personal: How is God equipping you to help others grow in their faith?
  • Missional: How can you partner with others to help them develop in their spiritual walk?

Day 4: 1 Peter 4:10-11 – Using gifts for God’s glory

  • Personal: Are you using your gifts in a way that honors God?
  • Missional: How can you encourage those around you to use their gifts to serve God in practical ways?

Day 5: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 – The body of Christ

  • Personal: How can you celebrate the unique gifts of others in the church?
  • Missional: How can you bring people together to work as one for God’s mission, recognizing each person’s unique contribution?
Week 5: Living on Mission: The Spirit’s Fruit in Action
Living on Mission: The Spirit’s Fruit in Action
Focus: Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit as a witness to others.
Day 1: Galatians 5:16-26 – The fruit of the Spirit

  • Personal: Which fruit of the Spirit is most evident in your life? Which one needs more growth?
  • Missional: How can you show love, joy, or peace to someone this week?

Day 2: John 15:1-8 – Staying connected to Jesus to bear fruit

  • Personal: How are you staying connected to Christ so that you can bear fruit?
  • Missional: How can you help someone in your life remain connected to Christ and bear lasting fruit?

Day 3: Colossians 3:12-17 – Putting on the fruit of the Spirit

  • Personal: Which of the Spirit’s qualities (love, joy, compassion, kindness, humility, patience, etc.) do you want to grow more in?
  • Missional: How can you demonstrate these qualities in your interactions with others to reflect Christ?

Day 4: Matthew 7:15-20 – Recognizing fruit in our lives

  • Personal: Is the fruit of your life a true reflection of your faith in Christ?
  • Missional: How can you mentor someone else grow in their walk with God?

Day 5: Philippians 1:9-11 – Bearing fruit for God’s glory

  • Personal: How can your life bear more fruit for God?
  • Missional: Who in your life can you challenge to live a life that bears fruit that reflects Jesus more?