Bridge Babies

6 weeks old through Walkers
Bridge Babies is our welcoming nursery environment designed for babies from 6 weeks through walkers. Our BridgeBabies team will rock, play, and begin to teach your little one about Jesus. This service not only provides a lasting Godly foundation in the life of your child, but also allows you, the parent the freedom to engage in service knowing your child is well cared for.

Important Information for Bridge Babies

- Our nursery is open for babies at both 9 am and 10:45 am services and is located in the back of the main sanctuary.

-There will always be two nursery team members present, at least one being an adult over 18 years old. Youth aged 11 and older do help as assistants. All team members are background checked. Parents may enter the nursery for brief periods of time to drop children off, comfort a distraught child, or nurse. However, we ask that parents do not stay in the nursery for an extended period of time.

- Prior to leaving your baby with our nursery team, please check your child in using our secure check in process in the main foyer of the church. Please retain the final print out from check in containing your alpha-numeric code. This  code matches your child's name tag and will be required at check out to ensure babies only leave with the authorized individual who checked them in. The code will also appear on the screen in the main sanctuary if we need your assistance with your baby.

- The nursery team is ready and willing to care for your baby's needs during service. Please present any requests to nursery team members at drop off, such as a bottle feeding.

- All babies' diapers will be checked and changed during service. Our nursery team will leave a sticker on the child's diaper indicating whether the diaper has been checked or changed. The nursery is stocked with diapers off all sizes from newborn to size 7, but if you prefer that we use a specific brand please provide these at drop off and let a nursery team member know! If your baby requires the use of diaper cream, please also provide this to a nursery team member at drop off. Diaper bags may be left in the foyer of the nursery (along with car seats or strollers). Extra name tags are printed for this age at check in so you may add a name tag to the bag.

-All toys in the nursery are sanitized with an all natural cleaning agent post-service.

-Should a mother need to nurse during service and is seeking a private location to do so, a rocker is located in the nursery with a privacy curtain.

If you're visiting theBridge for the first time on Sunday, save time at check in by clicking the pre-registration button below.

We can't wait to serve your family!